Tuesday, September 16, 2008




SMART BUR Cutting is limited to the superficial layer of affected dentin will not remove the odontoblast reaction zone of mineralized tubule plugs and can be completed without the use of LA

When working with the polymer(SMART) bur, and early intensive contact with hard areas of the tooth should be avoided to reduce the possibility that the excavating performance of the bur is diminished.

Like conventional bur,polymer(SMART) bur rake angle is also negative.unlike cabide bur,the downward pressure applied by the polymer bur against the tissue is dessipated as the bur starts abrade when it encounters hard dentine

The dentist was requested to exert as little force as possible on the SMART BUR.


One of the goals of conservative dentistry is to develop a method of removing caries-infected dentin while preserving caries-affected dentin.

The polymer(SMART BUR) instrument appears to offer a
straightforward and efficient means of achieving this goal and conserving healthy tooth