Friday, September 03, 2010

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Thursday, March 11, 2010

factors involved in Instrument separation

Giveb by Wolcott

(a) repeated cyclic metal fatigue

(b) severe bends or curves in the canal

(c) class II canal configuration, e.g., canals join at mid root

(d) torsional loading

(e) the role of the operator.


factors involved in Instrument separation

Giveb by Wolcott

(a) repeated cyclic metal fatigue

(b) severe bends or curves in the canal

(c) class II canal configuration, e.g., canals join at mid root

(d) torsional loading

(e) the role of the operator.



I.Zidell's classification of root canal systems
Class 2- complicated canals with constricted foramina
a. Severe curve
b.Dilacerated curve
c. Bayonet curve
d. Apical bifurcation
e. Apical curve
f. Additional canals
g. Lateral or accessory canals

II. Ingle and Taintor
1. Apical curve
2. Gradual curve
3. Sickle-shape curve
4. Dilaceration
5. Bayonet

III. Pucci and Reig - similar classification

IV. Schneider's classification on the basis of degree of
1. Straight (5 ° or less)
2. Moderate (10-20 ° )
3. Severe (25-70 ° )

V. Dobo Nagy et al. .
This is based on Schneider's angle and the radius of the circle that could be
superimposed on the curved part of the root canal.

VI. Backman et al. classified root canals on the basis of
"radius quotient," which was obtained by dividing a given
angle by its radius measurement

VII. Southard et al. - similar classification
