Tuesday, August 26, 2008


They are used for carving amalgam and resin composites


Large discoid - cleoid

Small discoid - cleoid

No.14 sickel shaped carver

Hollenback no. ½ caver

Frahms 90 degree carver

Walls no.3

Interproximal carver

Wards carver

Scalpel blade no. 12 mounted on scalpel handle

  • Cleoid-discoid - for carving occlusal surface in molar and useful for lingual concavities in anterior teeth

  • Walls no.3 – for carving occlusal surface,the end that is shaped like hoe is used for shaping cusps & for carving lingual and facial surfaces

  • Hollenback – used for occlusal,proximal,axial surfaces

  • Interproxiaml – have very thin blades for carving proximal amalgam surface

  • Scalpel blade No. 12 - is used for carving resin composite restorations

  • Sickel No.14L – For carving interproximal areas.It has very strong hollow round triangular blade – to remove amalgam over hangs.
  • Wards carver - for occlusal surface and carving proximal surface in class IIrestoration.

  • Frahm's 90 degree carver(diamond carver) - for carving occlusal surface.